
Showing posts from June, 2019


ऐ मातृभूमि तेरी जय हो, सदा विजय हो । प्रत्येक भक्त तेरा, सुख-शांति-कान्तिमय हो ।। अज्ञान की निशा में, दुख से भरी दिशा में,  संसार के हृदय में तेरी प्रभा उदय हो । तेरा प्रकोप सारे जग का महाप्रलय हो ।। तेरी प्रसन्नता ही आनन्द का विषय हो ।। वह भक्ति दे कि 'बिस्मिल' सुख में तुझे न भूले, वह शक्ति दे कि दुःख में कायर न यह हृदय हो ।। अरूजे कामयाबी पर कभी तो हिन्दुस्तां होगा । रिहा सैयाद के हाथों से अपना आशियां होगा ।। चखायेगे मजा बरबादिये गुलशन का गुलची को । बहार आयेगी उस दिन जब कि अपना बागवां होगा ।। वतन की आबरू का पास देखें कौन करता है । सुना है आज मकतल में हमारा इम्तहां होगा ।। जुदा मत हो मेरे पहलू से ऐ दर्दें वतन हरगिज । न जाने बाद मुर्दन मैं कहां.. और तू कहां होगा ।। यह आये दिन को छेड़ अच्छी नहीं ऐ खंजरे कातिल ! बता कब फैसला उनके हमारे दरमियां होगा ।। शहीदों की चिताओं पर जुड़ेगें हर बरस मेले । वतन पर मरने वालों का यही बाकी निशां होगा ।। इलाही वह भी दिन होगा जब अपना राज्य देखेंगे । जब अपनी ही जमीं होगी और अपना आसमां होगा ।। Hai liye hathyaar du...

My Tributes to 2 Greatest Warriors & Sons of Maa Bhaarti !

My Tributes to 2 Greatest Warriors & Sons of Maa Bhaarti : 1. Namans to Veer Banda Bairagi (Lachman Dev) on his 303rd Martyrdom day. The man who made Fanatic Jihadi Mughals realise the meaning of real Fear by uprooting them from Punjab. He was killed in one of the most brutal manner mentioned in the history of mankind on June 9th, 1716. His four year old son Ajai Singh was put to death in front of him. His liver was forcefully thrusted into Banda Singh's mouth while torturing him. But Baba remained as tranquil as ever, and even this act failed to break his resolve and determination. He accepted all the tortures & brutality but hadn't allowed Mughals to Convert him to Islam. Finally, Banda was put to death mercilessely by pincing the flesh from his body, bit by bit, with means of hot pincers. His eyes were pulled out and his feet were chopped off. Namans to the Rajput Warrior who built Sikh Empire on Mughal's Dead Bodies & Sacrificed his life fighting ag...